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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: Injection


Issue 772: As a recommended precaution, one must avoid having any injection of tonics; but it is allowable to receive a drug or an anesthetic by injection; it is allowed to be put on a drip (liquid food) on the basis of an obligatory precaution.

Q773: Does it harm the fast to take spray drugs for those with pulmonary diseases?

A: Apparently, spray drugs used for pulmonary diseases do not render one’s fast void, because it is not considered eating or drinking.

Q774: Is it allowable for a fasting person, who is ill to receive tonics by injection in Ramadhaan?

A: As a precaution, injections must be avoided; however, they are not considered to be among the things which invalidate one’s fast; nor is an injection accounted as a case of eating or drinking; but as an obligatory precaution, one must refrain from being put on a drip of liquid food.

Q775: Will it render one’s fast void if they take any medical drops like eye drops?

A: It will not invalidate the fast but it will be legally disapproved if the smell or taste reaches one’s throat.

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