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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: How Wudhu Becomes Void

How Wudhu Becomes Void

Issue 180: One's Wudhu will be void if any of the following cases occurs:

1- Passing urine or stool out from the body or releasing the air from the bowels through the anus

2- Sleeping such that neither the ears hear nor the eyes see anything

3- Things which cause one to lose reason and
sense and bring about insanity, drunkenness and anesthesia

4- Women's Istihadha (irregular discharges) which will be explained later

5-Things such as Janabah, which necessitate a Ghusl

Q181: Will one’s Wudhu be void if the wetness from wiping the head reaches the wetness of the face?

A: It does not matter and the Wudhu will not be void.

Q182: Is it allowable to wipe the head and feet twice?

A: It does not matter, but it should be avoided, and if it leads to obsession, it is forbidden.

Q183: What is the verdict on one’s Wudhu if someone else pours water on their hand with a ewer and they perform Wudhu, since they have broken their hand and it is in a plaster cast?

A: Given the above case, it does not matter, provided that one does the washing of their face and hands themselves.

Q184: What is the verdict on women's performing Wudhu in public places where they may be at the sight of Non-Mahram people?

A: It is obligatory for women to cover their bodies so as to keep them from the sight of Non-Mahrams. However, the Wudhu will be valid.

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