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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: Touching the Scripts of the Holy Quran

Touching the Scripts of the Holy Quran

Issue 187: Touching the scripts of the Holy Quran with any part of one’s body is illegal for a person who has not performed ablutions.

Issue 188: In touching the scripts of the Holy Quran, there is no difference between verses and words and even letters and pronunciation indicators (E’rab).

Issue 189: It does not make any difference whether the scripts of the Holy Quran have been written on paper, earth, walls, or cloth.

Issue 190: It does not make any difference whether the scripts of the Holy Quran are written in ink or with chalk, or printed etc.

Issue 191: Even if the script of the Holy Quran is written somewhere other than in the Holy Quran itself, it is illegal to touch it without Wudhu; thus, if a verse of the Holy Quran is written in some other book, or even if a word of it is written on a piece of cloth, or half a word of it has been cut off a page of the Holy Quran or some other book, it is illegal to touch it without Wudhu.

Issue 192: The following are cases which are not considered as touching the script of the Holy Quran and thus are not deemed illegal:

1- Touching it from behind a glass or plastic.

2- Touching a page of the Holy Quran, its cover and the spaces around the scripts (although it is legally disapproved, i.e., Makruh)

3- Touching the translation of the Holy Quran in any language, except for the name of Allah whose translation in any language must be touched while being in the state of purity (having performed Wudhu), for instance, to touch the word “khoda”, which is the Persian equivalent for “God” without Wudhu is illegal; as an obligatory precaution, so is the case with the names of the Holy Prophet, Imams, and Her Holiness Fatima Zahra (PBUT).

Issue 193: In the case of those words which are common between Quranic and non-Quranic scripts and writings, such as the words, “Mu’min” and “Al-Ladheena”, it is illegal to touch them without Wudhu if the writer has written them with the intention of quoting the Holy Quran.

Issue 194: It is illegal for a Junub person to touch the lines and scripts of the Holy Quran.

Issue 195: A Junub person must not recite those chapters of the Holy Quran which include obligatory prostrations.

Q196: Is burning God’s name legally problematic?

A: It is not permissible to do so and to prevent any possible disregard concerning God’s name, papers which bear His name should be buried; it is also permissible to throw it into water, and it is even extolled.

Q197: What is the verdict on writing verses of the Holy Quran with chalk on a board and rubbing it out?

A: Providing that the chalk and the duster are pure, it will be permissible.

Q198: What is the verdict on one’s going to toilet while having the Holy Quran in their pocket?

A: If it does not involve disregarding and desecrating the Holy Quran, it will be permissible.

Q199: What is the verdict on sitting on newspapers which might bear some verses of the Holy Quran or some traditions, regarding the fact that such newspapers are sometimes thrown away to the streets and paths?

A: In case it is not certain, it will not be illegal to sit on such newspapers, but if one is certain that a newspaper bears some Quranic verses, it will be illegal to sit on it since it will be deemed as desecration of the Holy Quran.

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