9- Sequence (Tarteeb)
Issue 540: Prayers must be offered in this sequence, Takbeerat-ul-ihram, recitation, bowing and prostrations; after the second prostration of the second Rak'at there is testimony and in the last Rak'at, there is salution after the testimony. Issue 541: If a person intentionally changes the sequence of the prayers, for example, if they recite the other chapter before reciting Al-Hamd, or if they perform the two prostrations before bowing, their prayers will be void. Issue 542: If a person forgets a non-elemental part of the prayers, that is, a part which is not a Rukn and then performs a Rukn which comes after it, for instance, if they forget to recite Al-Hamd and then enter the bowing, their prayer will be valid. Issue 543: When a person forgets a part of the prayer which is not a Rukn, and performs the next part which is not a Rukn either, for example, when they forget to recite Al-Hamd and recite the other chapter, if after entering the next Rukn they remember that they have forgotten that non-elemental part, they must continue their prayers and the prayers will be valid, and if they have not entered a Rukn yet, they must perform what they have forgotten and then perform the part which they mistakenly performed earlier.